Sunday, October 12, 2008

Recording Scores

If you are the winning captain, your duty is to Record the scores in the league website. Losing captain should Confirm those scores once they are recorded.

1. Go to the league website:
2. Click Login at the top of of this page (if you are not already logged in).
3. Click on your division
4. Click on your team name
5. You should see Matches Played/Scheduled
6. Click on Record for the match (once the match has been recorded by the winning captain this will say Confirm)
7. Check the match date, record the scores
8. Enter the Points per the league rules - the website takes care of the matches won, so you do not need to enter these.

Team match winner gets 2 points
Bonus point - awarded if you showed up with 4 players and also did your share of refereeing

So these points should be 0 thru 3

9. Click Submit and you're done!

A few gotchas...

If you can't see Record or Confirm at step 6 then it's possible you will need to logoff/logon again until the system recognizes that you are a captain.

I've had some reports of Submit at step 9 displaying an error message - but the results were recorded anyhow.

Some teams haven't got their entire roster set up yet due to problems with the US Squash membership system. We're working on it. Meanwhile hold on to your results until we can get it sorted out.

We are the league guinea pigs for US Squash and they are actively helping us work through these problems, so hopefully we should get them fixed quickly. Please report any new issues to me.

Steve J.

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